Thursday, November 3, 2011

Extreme Measures

The majority of celebrities have had to deal with the paparazzi at some point in time; some much worse than others. Here are some examples of the lengths that photographers all go to to get a required picture, and how the celebrities have coped with the intrusion.

1997 - Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife and two children were driving when they were approached by photographers in two vehicles. The reporters surrounded the Terminators Mercedes Benz and eventually forced it off the road. This dramatic act ended in the drivers of both the paparazzi vehicles being charged with misdemeanors for false imprisonment.

2000 - When Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas tied the knot in November the extremes they went to to keep the paparazzi out were beyond anything any other celebrity had done. Firstly, the guests were not told details of the wedding such as time and place until last minute. The night before the wedding, tickets were personally delivered to the hotels of each of the guests that were staying in New York City. Those who were outside the city received their tickets by courier. The tickets, which had a secret mark on the back, only known to the wedding planner, were to be swapped at the door for a pin, who's design was also only known to the wedding planner. All suppliers were made to sign confidentiality agreements regarding to the whereabouts of deliveries. On the day of the wedding, three security guards patrolled the corridors of the hotel and guests rooms were monitored by surveillance cameras periodically. Even with all these security settings in place, a photographer infiltrated the system and took pictures of the wedding and went on to sell them to Hello and The Sun.

2002 - Photographers scaled Jennifer Aniston's neighbors 8-foot wall in order to capture a picture of her tanning topless. The pictures, taken with a telephoto lens, were circulating at two New York based magazine companies when Aniston filed a lawsuit against both for invasion of privacy. The case was settled out of court and the photos were never printed in either magazine.

2010 - Can you guess who is riding their bike in New York above? Katy Perry! Celebrities are not even able to go for a bike ride or exercise without the paparazzi in their face. Perry was unsuccessful in her attempts to avoid the cameras, although it did take some time for them to figure out who it was. Her incognito attire simply brought attention to the fact that she was trying to hide her identity.

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